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Equity PLUS

Parametric’s Equity PLUS (Premium Liquid Upside Strategy) is a systematic investment solution that combines large-cap equity with beta-neutral call writing and seeks to capture a more reliable source of alpha than traditional stock selection.

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Equity PLUS seeks to outperform the S&P 500® and consistently produce top-quartile performance relative to US large-cap managers. Equity PLUS is best suited for investors who are looking to capture US large-cap equity exposure and are dissatisfied with high fees and low realized alpha from traditional equity portfolios.

Investing in an options strategy involves risk. All investments are subject to loss. Learn more.

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An enhanced equity portfolio 

Using a model-driven approach, PLUS is designed to remove emotions and guesswork from the investment decision-making process.

Equity PLUS augments a passive S&P 500® portfolio with a unique source of value-add: beta-neutral call overwriting. This combines systematic equity index call options selling with incremental long equity exposure via futures to access the options-based volatility risk premium. A rules-based tail risk management overlay enhances its downside risk profile.

Portfolio Construction

Intended benefits of Equity PLUS

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Our beta-neutral implementation of call overwriting seeks to better isolate the VRP as the strategy’s key source of value-add, potentially delivering alpha that’s different and more consistent than with traditional stock selection.
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Our rules-based portfolio design is disciplined and transparent. It seeks to minimize the impact of any market event and improve the formula of investment outcomes.
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Our team has built customized investment solutions across equities, options and futures for over three decades. We leverage these capabilities into a single portfolio supplemented with a risk management overlay. 

How Equity PLUS works

We start with a core position of 100% S&P 500® equity, then we build the base portfolio from there.

We sell index call options (100%) against long S&P 500® futures (20%) to seek to generate a positive carry.

We design portfolios to manage losses in the event of a drastic market sell-off. This seeks to minimize the risk of margin calls or forced liquidation during tail events.

The information represents how the investment team generally applies their investment processes under normal market conditions.

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Strategy overview

Want to know more about Parametric Equity PLUS?

Download our strategy overview.

Why choose Parametric?


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Years of firm experience

As of 12/31/2024
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Volatility Risk Premium

Our team has built customized investment solutions across equities, options and futures for over three decades. We leverage these capabilities into a single portfolio supplemented with a risk management overlay.

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Equities, Volatility, Market activity, Institutional investor, Wealth manager, +2