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Emerging Markets

Parametric's Emerging Markets Strategy is a systematic, rules-based investment process that gives clients access to the long-term growth potential of emerging markets with less volatility than indexes typically exhibit. Designed as a core holding, Emerging Markets emphasizes diversification and relies on a disciplined rebalancing approach.

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Traditionally, emerging market indexes tend to have concentrated country allocation, with 75% of holdings in just five countries. Emerging Markets avoids the concentrated security- and country-level exposures that are inherent to other emerging market strategies using our equal-weight methodology. We seek to outperform the MSCI Emerging Markets Index over a full market cycle.

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The investment strategy described herein is designed to be implemented in a separately managed account (SMA) maintained by a qualified custodian. Investors should contact their financial advisor to establish an SMA. Parametric currently serves as a subadvisor to investment products offered and distributed by its affiliate, Eaton Vance Distributors, Inc., a registered broker-dealer. Parametric subadvises a fund with a strategy similar to the one presented herein. Learn more.

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Why choose Parametric?


Total firm AUM


Emerging markets AUM


Years of emerging markets experience

As of 12/31/2024

How it works

We start with a broad country universe and equally weight countries within each of the model tiers. We assign countries to tiers based on market cap and liquidity.
Once a country’s target exposure is determined, we set sector targets in each country in an attempt to move closer to an equal representation from each economic sector while taking practical liquidity considerations into account.
Systematic rebalancing brings countries back to target weights while still being mindful of practical considerations such as transaction costs.

Get in touch

Want to know more about our Emerging Markets solutions? Complete our contact form, and a representative will respond shortly.

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